Some people go south to winter. I personally think that’s a wise choice. Some folks choose to shiver their way through the yearly expansion of the Canadian Tundra. Others escape WAY far south and go to a summer.
Only the hardiest, craziest sort of human would go from Australian Summer to Canadian Winter — for fun.
But Xenephon is that Hardcore. He’s one of the few trifecta Hall of Famers(he’s on the HOF in all three web games!).
That’s right Xenephon was in town, and we have the pictures to prove it!

If you notice, you can see the treats AlexRoss brought in! 🙂

This pic has the two players looking at an early demo of the new Zombie Moon. After that we got some solid feedback from both on that, and other matters 🙂

You’ll see Tom Brown on the left, responsible for the 4.5 to 4.6 conversion of Zombie Moon. And on the right is Rambling Josh, the fella who is doing much of the front end for Guts and Glory.
The visit was about 3 hours, and pizza and great chat was had by all. Thanks for coming Xenephon, and AlexRoss! It’s awesome to have such great, social players like ya!