Well, we hit our milestone. Ascension 3 went live on the 15th and as of this morning, four players have earned the “Triscending Cohort” medal, which will be awarded to the first ten players who complete Ascension 3. Over the years, players have told us that they really appreciate the[…]

Ascending for the Third Time
As product manager for the Starcrash games, it is always hard to build big features for one of the games. It means that I won’t be able to give as much attention to the other two for some time. It can really only be justified when the feature will have[…]

Changing Trends – Studio Dev Blogs
Welcome to the dev blog! My name is Christian and I’m the Product Manager at SHG responsible for the Starcrash series of games which is our browser based titles of Star Pirates, Gates of Camelot and Spy Battle 2165. As some of you know, SHG Studios has been undergoing some[…]
SHG Studios lands 1Award, IndieGameReviewer Dev Profile
For those who didn’t have the opportunity to log in during our party last month, IndieGameReviewer were kind enough to do an article about us; Dev Profile: SHG Launches New Space In Hamilton, Ontario Our new space is working out very well and the team is in full motion. Many[…]