In a meeting today, we decided it was Interplanetary Shawarma Day. This was due to Autoincorrect, but hey. Let’s run with that. If you have Shawarma, do have it. And, there may be an invasion to stop!
13th Birthday for!
Hello Fellow Captains, just turned 13 years old! A grumpy teen which is no longer fun? Far from it. We have lots on the go, and hopefully you’ve already logged and got your free Cake, Notorious and LUCK 🙂 The NPCs and Bosses will remain until the end of[…]

No Foolin’ Sale & Festival of Caerbannog
Killer Rabbits, iPad Login Contest, a sale on April Fools Day? What are we doing in ? No Foolin’ SaleA sale? In space? On April 1st? Is that real or …, well to quote AAB, “My Cat told me it’s time to have a sale. I thought, well maybe.[…]

Commission: The Resistance!
There is a new commission live in Starpirates. This is the second in a series of the new storyline, “The Resistance”. This is available immediately, and aimed at those level 40-42. Future commissions will roll out monthly (more or less), as part of a larger storyline. This storyline is integrated[…]

What is Project Phoenix?
Vast majority of Players supported Project Phoenix. OK, great, well what is Project Phoenix? It’s taking a game that was dying, and bring it back to life. And it’s working. It’s a huge investment by the Admins into the game – a commitment that we’ll revitalise the game – through[…]

Checkpoints and Skulls are now Live!
Recently, Checkpoints ( and Skulls ( went live! This is a fun one. Players are saying it’s a great addition. Yay! Summary: This is a bonus for players who are working towards levelling, but not quite there yet. If you hit a certain fraction of a level, your resource bars[…]

What is a Galelia?
So a player asked, what is a Galelia? It is a weapon? A shield? A boot? Great question, thanks! First thing to know is that it is a Very Rare Plus item found in Star Pirates. It’s the first one launched in years. It is most definitely not randomly added.[…]

Updated Retirement in StarCrash Games
For over a decade, players have had the option to retire from and This is how players could leave the game but not have their accounts deleted. Players would lose some benefits etc., but remain around as targets for others. So far so good. The problem was that[…]

Upgraded Saturnalia – or, Party like it’s 2299!
What is Saturnalia, you ask? 12 days of contests and giveaways at the end of December, in Lots of winners, and lots of action with the many themed invasions. The ever powerful Krampus has already made his appearance (edit: and now back in his cave for a year). All[…]

New Findables in SP and SB. Oh and a one-time sale!
Hi All, I’m thankful, and grateful, that you’re part of this awesome community. As a token, enjoy the 2 Bonus Special Days! (Notorious Agent in SP, Special Agent in SB). More exciting news – the first new items in years went live!SP: The Galilea (VR+) and CET (rare+)SB: EQ Coat,[…]

Scanner Helmet Upgrades
Ever wonder why there is a V1 Scanner Helmet and a V2? And no way to turn gold (V1) into platinum (v2)? Well today is your lucky day in the year 2165! (Then again what day isn’t a lucky day in the paradise/dystopia of Earth 2165?) For a limited time,[…]