Killer Rabbits, iPad Login Contest, a sale on April Fools Day? What are we doing in ?
No Foolin’ Sale
A sale? In space? On April 1st? Is that real or …, well to quote AAB, “My Cat told me it’s time to have a sale. I thought, well maybe. If we do it’d be best on April Fools’ Day right? Wait a second…” The sale went live on the morning of the 1st (after a suitable amount of confusion). It’ll wrap up the end of the server day April 2nd, 2021. I think this is the 4th sale in the history of SP. They happen rarely, and are not big, but occasionally. Oh, and limited. You could only claim 2 of them.
Festival of Caerbannog
A Fluffle of Killer Rabbits in Space is infesting the festival. Again! Also, find the Easter Eggs for a prize. Not a metaphor…there is a hunt for virtual eggs.
iPad Login Contest
Want to win an iPad? It’ll happen. Details soon.
Or just look around as there have been even more upgrades since the last newsletter. Yup, we’re hammering away at the Star Forge, getting more things live and making it all work just a bit better.
Admin ArrBilly / Colin Ferguson, Chief Supremo of