Nice to meet you! My name is Billy, and I am new at SHG Studios. This is my first blog, so bear with me.
I am a Unity Developer fresh out of Brock University in St. Catharines. Developer is kind of a broad term, so I will just say involves building things, but also some coordination. Translation? I help Christian (Balthagor) keep tasks and team members organized. We use the Agile Method at SHG. It’s funny, as we have digital systems, but we also use the Agile corkboard on the wall.
I also get the ongoing privilege of showing off dev work from our new mobile game “Badlands – Max Carnage”. Which will be available soon Worldwide on the Google Play Store. (Badlands was once known as Wasteland Heroes. We had to change names for legal reasons.)
So stay tuned for blogs, photos, and any other updates that will be coming out as we move through this process. I’m excited to have a great seat for this awesome ride!
As a sneak peak, see below! These are some cool dev pics.