World chat has been permanently replaced by Squad Chats, the contents of which are no longer moderated by representatives of Snakehead Games Inc. We are working aggressively on the new Zombie Moon 3.0 and its enhanced engine. The current engine has reached its performance and capacity limits which is now bottlenecking new feature rollout.
You’ll soon see some of the higher graphic enhancements the new 3.0 engine provides. The new engine enables (among other things) a new “Looking for Allies” game area and a significantly improved introduction experience for new players (which uses the “chat” area for new players without a squad to have a continual in-game “next action” AI Advice).
As such, the roles of Moderator and Greeter have been made redundant. We would like to ensure that our sincere and deep gratitude to those volunteers is known however at this time we have removed all roles other than Administrator and Player from the game.
The Zombie Moon rules have been updated to reflect these changes – please review them at your earliest opportunity.