StarPirates has quite the community of players. Thousands login every day, and more on a regular basis.
Out of all of those players, there are some pirates that are more determined to dominate than others. These pirates tend to get more powerful, and turn into leaders in the game — or at least rogue pirates to be feared.
Some uber elite pirates make their way into what we call the Hall of Fame. There are a range of categories ranging from Level to total Ore Mined. Like the Oscars, some categories are perceived as more important than the others. The category often judged as the most important is Total Stats – that is the potency of the Pirate without the aid of any weapon or ship.
There are 20 powerful Pirates that rank in the Hall of Fame for their hard work in improving the Total Stats of their Pirate Captain. Each and every one of these pirates is feared by the community at large.
11th GolluM, 12th Kingpin, 13th Blackbeard, 14th The Undertaker, 15th Sunstrike, 16th CrackerJack, 17th Sadistyk, 18th KillerBear, 19th Keith Kiwi & 20th TinMan
Even those pirates though may take a knee to the top 10 in most powerful Free Captains in StarPirates. These are, in order,
Rank Star Pirate Fleet
1 [DEV] Mr Awesome Dare Devils
2 [RSG] Galaxiana Rogue Souls Guild
3 [DEV] Gilmore25 Dare Devils
4 [STP] den628 Templar Partisans
5 [STP] Adelai Niska Templar Partisans
6 [RSG] Kane Rogue Souls Guild
7 [MSG] Butter Biscuit Vixen Rogue Soul Food
8 [DEV] General All Purpose Dare Devils
9 [DUK] ninjaduck January Jaybirds
10 [DEV] calvin Dare Devils